الإنْتصَار عَلَى الْعَالَم - عادل غنيم
الإنتصار على الموت والفوز بالحياة الأبدية
الإنْتصَار عَلَى الْعَالَم - عادل غنيم.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 969.9 KB
Victory Over the World by Adel Ghonim
Victory Over death and earning the eternal life!
Victory Over the World - Adel Ghonim.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 262.1 KB
أسلوب جديد للسفر فى الفضاء - عادل غنيم
اسلوب جديد للسفر فى الفضاء – الإختراع والنظرية التى يعمل بها
أسلوب جديد للسفر فى الفضاء - عادل غنيم.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 275.5 KB
New Method for Space Travel - Adel Ghonim
The Invention and its Theory
New Method for Space Travel - Adel Ghoni
Adobe Acrobat Document 267.4 KB
Extraordinary Time Levels - Part 1
Extraordinary Time Levels - Metaphysical Theory for Discovering the Existence!
And existence is made up of three universes. The first one is the Physical Universe in which we live. The second one is “non-existent universe” “n.e.u.”, which does not exist with respect to our universe. However, it affects all generality due to its nonexistence. It has a “non-existent time” in the same direction of the time of the universe. And a “non-existent place” which is impossible to describe or imagine!
Extraordinary Time Levels - Part 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.5 MB